All City


1800 block of North Fremont Street. Ranch Triangle
Freemont Street
Chicago , IL
United States

Date of Theft

Saturday, May 11, 2024 - 4:00pm

Basic Bike Info

Bicycle Type: 
Road Bike
Serial No.: 
Black with a teal front wheel/rim.
Condition of Bicycle / Distinguishing Features: 
All black, with a teal front wheel with one white spoke. All city brand bike. Single speed freewheel with bull horns handle bars brand new tektro brakes levers. Brooks leather saddle. Multi colored upper bar pad thing.

Owner Information

Owner Name: 
Matthew Shawley
Contact Email: 
matthewshawley (at)
Contact Phone Number: 
Police Report No.: 

Lock Information

How was the lock defeated?: 
Lock is missing, along with the bike.
Lock Type: 
Heavy Duty Bicycle Security Chain
What was the bike locked to?: 
Bike not locked.
How was the bike locked?: 
Not locked.

Incident Description

Which type of area was your bike stolen from?: 
Alley or side passageway.
How long was the bike locked in this location?: 
It was not locked. 20-30 minutes.
Incident Description: 
Stopped at home to grab a bite to eat and feed cats. Bike was leaning against the wall of neighboring building next the coach house I live in. Two entrances into the property between the front building and the coach house. Front gate to gangway does not lock but looks like a fence and can not be seen through. Front door was open when I came back down after about a half hour. So I assume someone just happened to walk by. Opened the door. Walked down the narrow gang way between the building around a concrete wall blocking any view from the street even if the front gate was open and through a small court yard between the building in the front and the coach house. Back door was locked. Someone had to have known that the front door is unlocked and have scoped out the place before. This time got lucky. Didn’t lock the bike because I was only there for short time and knew it couldn’t be seen from the street and there is no reason for anyone other than residents of the building to go through that area.

Recovery Information

This bike was recovered: 