2022 Specialized Sirrus 3.0


Clybourn Metra
1908 N Ashland
Chicago , IL
United States

Date of Theft

Tuesday, May 14, 2024 - 6:00pm

Basic Bike Info

Bicycle Type: 
Hybrid Bike
Serial No.: 
Black and red
Condition of Bicycle / Distinguishing Features: 
Good condition, some dents and scratches on main bar

Owner Information

Owner Name: 
Jean Roberts
Contact Email: 
Email hidden by Chicago Stolen Bike Registry. Contact the CSBR staff to email the owner.
Contact Phone Number: 
Police Report No.: 

Lock Information

How was the lock defeated?: 
Other situation, please describe below.
Lock Type: 
Newer U-Lock w/ Flat Key
What was the bike locked to?: 
Locked to bike rack.
How was the bike locked?: 
Only the frame was locked a solid object.

Incident Description

Which type of area was your bike stolen from?: 
Other situation, please describe below.
How long was the bike locked in this location?: 
12 hours
Incident Description: 
I locked my bike to the bike rack on the westside of Ashland just north of the entrance to the UPWN Metra line at 6:40am. The seat and wheels have special locks to prevent being taken without a key. The lock was damaged but still intact. I discovered it stolen when I arrived back to the train station around 6pm.

Recovery Information

Recovery Notes: 
This bike was recovered: 