Trek Fx 2 Disc


North Ave
Chicago , IL
United States

Date of Theft

Wednesday, July 17, 2024 - 4:30am

Basic Bike Info

Bicycle Type: 
Hybrid Bike
Serial No.: 
Condition of Bicycle / Distinguishing Features: 
Bike has front and rear lights on it, a bontrager bike storage bag on the center frame, and a light blue water bottle holder. When stolen, it had a Kryptonite U-Lock attached to the back tire and frame.

Owner Information

Owner Name: 
Emily Schmidt
Contact Email: 
Email hidden by Chicago Stolen Bike Registry. Contact the CSBR staff to email the owner.
Contact Phone Number: 

Lock Information

How was the lock defeated?: 
Other situation, please describe below.
Lock Type: 
Newer U-Lock w/ Flat Key
What was the bike locked to?: 
Bike was locked only to itself.
How was the bike locked?: 
Bike was locked only to itself, through one or both wheels.

Incident Description

Which type of area was your bike stolen from?: 
Garage or enclosed parking area.
How long was the bike locked in this location?: 
24 hours

Recovery Information

This bike was recovered: 