River Dam Park
5100 N Albany Ave
, IL
United States
See map: Google Maps
Date of Theft
Friday, August 16, 2024 - 7:15pm
Basic Bike Info
Bicycle Type:
Hybrid Bike
Serial No.:
Condition of Bicycle / Distinguishing Features:
Good condition, some scrapes on the handles. XL 2020 Gray Specialized hybrid bicycle with mechanical disc brakes, adjustable front shocks, front and rear Cat Eye lights & a kick stand
Owner Information
Owner Name:
Contact Email:
Email hidden by Chicago Stolen Bike Registry. Contact the CSBR staff to email the owner.
Contact Phone Number:
removed after recovery
Police Report No.:
Lock Information
How was the lock defeated?:
Other situation, please describe below.
Lock Type:
What was the bike locked to?:
Other situation, please describe below.
How was the bike locked?:
Other situation, please describe below.
Incident Description
Which type of area was your bike stolen from?:
Other situation, please describe below.
How long was the bike locked in this location?:
1 1/2 Hours
Incident Description:
[On 8/19/24, victim reported that the bike had been recovered: "I was able to recover my bike today at the park it was stolen from.
I ended up putting my bike description and contact information on Bike Index, Garage 529 & the Chicago Stolen Bike registry the moment it went missing and I feel like that was a good start to recovering the bike. Great services all around!
I ended up searching at a local bike shop that was notorious for reselling stolen bikes near the park where my bike was stolen and had zero luck. I thought maybe it wouldn’t hurt to walk around the park and funny enough-- it was there with two teenagers on their phones. Was able to get an accurate description of the guys and verify it was really my bike by walking by them with my phone in my hand to record inconspicuously. The police were then notified and were able to apprehend them and get my bike back with just the lights missing, the handle grips swapped out & a different cupholder installed.
Hope this information helps, once again thank you for having this site up for people to begin the process of recovering their bikes!!"] Fished for largemouth bass at the River Park dam spillway and left my bike underneath the bridge between the main park/soccer field & the North Park Holmgren Athletic Complex baseball field. I was fishing the point where the water spills over for about an hour and a half, and when I returned to my bike it was gone. I had stowed my bike in the gated area underneath the bridge. The bike is an XL 2020 Gray Specialized hybrid bicycle with mechanical disc brakes, adjustable front shocks, front and rear Cat Eye lights & a kick stand.
Recovery Information
This bike was recovered: