Condition of Bicycle / Distinguishing Features:
Very old (from late 90s), but still able to be used reliably, paint scratches all over surface due to heavy use. Very thick wheels. Has a Des Moines Iowa bike shop sticker on the post under the seat if you look closely.
Incident Description
Which type of area was your bike stolen from?:
How was the bike locked?:
How long was the bike locked in this location?:
Incident Description:
Bike was leaning on my friends locked bike on his porch for about 1hr. I had a lock hanging to the handlebars but did not lock it because I was too trustworthy it would not get stolen due to the age/condition of bike and time of day, and the fact I would be taking it home very shortly. When I came downstairs in about an hour the bike was gone. Did not file police report because bike not worth very much, but it has sentimental value.