Recent Reports

Men’s Black Fixie


5745 N Oleander
Chicago , IL
United States

Date of Theft

Friday, July 21, 2023 - 1:00pm

Basic Bike Info

Bicycle Type: 
Fixed Gear / Track Bike
Condition of Bicycle / Distinguishing Features: 
Black on Black Matte finish. Bike has a silver bike handle on right handlebar

Lock Information

How was the lock defeated?: 
Not locked.
Lock Type: 
No Lock
What was the bike locked to?: 
Bike not locked.

Incident Description

Which type of area was your bike stolen from?: 
Sidewalk in front of an open business.
How was the bike locked?: 
Not locked.
How long was the bike locked in this location?: 
45 minutes

Batch Urban


Wilson (FJ) Park
4630 N Milwaukee Ave
Chicago , IL
United States

Date of Theft

Wednesday, July 19, 2023 - 2:00pm

Basic Bike Info

Bicycle Type: 
Hybrid Bike
Serial No.: 
27.5 / medium
Condition of Bicycle / Distinguishing Features: 
New, bottle and back racks, "corndog" stickers on frame

Lock Information

How was the lock defeated?: 
Other situation, please describe below.
Lock Type: 
Newer U-Lock w/ Flat Key
What was the bike locked to?: 
Locked to bike rack.

Incident Description

Which type of area was your bike stolen from?: 
Other situation, please describe below.
How was the bike locked?: 
Other situation, please describe below.
How long was the bike locked in this location?: 
4-5 hours
Incident Description: 
Bike was locked through front wheel to bike rack, wheel was detached from frame. Frame and back wheel were taken. Incident occurred between 9am (bike locked to rack) and 2pm (bike noticed missing) outside of Wilson park building during day camp. Business across the street from the park caught suspect on film walking north on Milwaukee with frame, but not able to provide further details at time. Other bikes attached to rack left apparently untouched.

Team Marin 1


Old town triangle
N Lincoln park west
Chicago , IL
United States

Date of Theft

Thursday, July 20, 2023 - 9:45pm

Basic Bike Info

Bicycle Type: 
Mountain Bike
Condition of Bicycle / Distinguishing Features: 
1 year of use, silver with tan wheel walls, dropper post

Lock Information

How was the lock defeated?: 
Lock was cut, and left at the scene.
Lock Type: 
Combination Cable Lock
What was the bike locked to?: 
Locked to bike rack.

Incident Description

Which type of area was your bike stolen from?: 
Bike was in a locked apartment or residence.
How was the bike locked?: 
Locked through front wheel and frame to object.
How long was the bike locked in this location?: 
1 month
Incident Description: 
In a locked bike of a 40 unit apt building, bike room door was pried open.

Specialized Stumpjumper


Back patio, 3rd floor apartment
2841 W. Cortez St.
United States

Date of Theft

Friday, June 23, 2023 - 1:00am

Basic Bike Info

Bicycle Type: 
Mountain Bike
Condition of Bicycle / Distinguishing Features: 
Fair condition. Front suspension. Nobby tires

Lock Information

How was the lock defeated?: 
Other situation, please describe below.
Lock Type: 
Heavy Duty Bicycle Security Chain
What was the bike locked to?: 
Locked to a metal pole, pipe, or fence.

Incident Description

Which type of area was your bike stolen from?: 
Other situation, please describe below.
How was the bike locked?: 
Locked through rear wheel and frame to object.
How long was the bike locked in this location?: 
About 13 years
Incident Description: 
The rear end of my frame was cut on both sides to release the rear wheel. The vandals also cut all the spoked on the rear wheel and left the hub and sprockets. Bike is still locked to the railing in my back patio on the 3rd floor.

Jamis Renegade


4908 N Magnolia Ave
Chicago , IL
United States

Date of Theft

Thursday, July 20, 2023 - 2:45pm

Basic Bike Info

Bicycle Type: 
Hybrid Bike
Condition of Bicycle / Distinguishing Features: 
Excellent condition, but with stickers intentionally added, one that looks like a typewriter, one that came from lamp camp at

Lock Information

How was the lock defeated?: 
Lock was cut, and left at the scene.
Lock Type: 
Cable w/ Integrated Key Lock
What was the bike locked to?: 
Locked to a metal pole, pipe, or fence.

Incident Description

Which type of area was your bike stolen from?: 
Alley or side passageway.
How was the bike locked?: 
Locked through rear wheel and frame to object.
How long was the bike locked in this location?: 
8 hours

Dahon Mariner D8


3060 W Armitage Ave
Chicago , IL
United States

Date of Theft

Thursday, July 20, 2023 - 9:30pm

Basic Bike Info

Bicycle Type: 
Folding / Compact Bike
Serial No.: 
Condition of Bicycle / Distinguishing Features: 
The folding pedals that the bike comes with by default have been replaced with standard fixed pedals. There was a black phone holder attached to the handle bars with an elastic band. There was a bungee cord wrapped around the small cargo rack over the rear tire.

Lock Information

How was the lock defeated?: 
Lock was cut, and left at the scene.
Lock Type: 
Combination Cable Lock
What was the bike locked to?: 
Locked to a metal pole, pipe, or fence.

Incident Description

Which type of area was your bike stolen from?: 
Alley or side passageway.
How was the bike locked?: 
Locked through both wheels and frame to object.
How long was the bike locked in this location?: 
About 4 months, though I would take it out to ride reguarly
Incident Description: 
The last time I saw my bike was on the 13th, I left the state that afternoon and did not return until the 19th. On the morning of the 20th I left the apartment at about 9:30 and when I did I saw that some one had cut the lock and taken my bike. I had my bike in an alcove outside of the back door secured to a large metal pipe with a combination cable lock. There is no way to see it from the alley, the only way to see it is to enter a narrow unlit passage tucked into the side of the garage. Whoever took it must have either seen me ride it home one day and targeted me specifically or been trying to get into the building. My bike is distinctive because I needed to replace the pedals, normally the pedal can fold in half to allow it to fold up easier but my bike had standard petals that do not fold. I also had a black phone holder attached to the handle bars with an elastic band. Someone also broke into a car in the parking lot on the night of the 19th.

Bianchi Milano


4149 N Lawndale Ave
Chicago , IL
United States

Date of Theft

Thursday, July 20, 2023 - 6:45am

Basic Bike Info

Bicycle Type: 
Hybrid Bike
Condition of Bicycle / Distinguishing Features: 
Bike in good condition. Has a light gray child seat with bright yellow lap bar. Has some scratching from lock on cross bar.

Lock Information

How was the lock defeated?: 
Not locked.
Lock Type: 
No Lock
What was the bike locked to?: 
Bike not locked.

Incident Description

Which type of area was your bike stolen from?: 
Porch or yard.
How was the bike locked?: 
Other situation, please describe below.
How long was the bike locked in this location?: 
1 night
Incident Description: 
Bike was in locked sideyard, unlocked. Someone jumped the fence to take it.



Lakeside Tower Condo
1600 S Indiana Ave
Chicago , IL
United States

Date of Theft

Friday, July 14, 2023 - 10:30pm

Basic Bike Info

Bicycle Type: 
Hybrid Bike
Serial No.: 
Condition of Bicycle / Distinguishing Features: 
Bike Bell and Phone Holder, looks brand new

Lock Information

How was the lock defeated?: 
Lock was cut, and left at the scene.
Lock Type: 
Other U-Lock
What was the bike locked to?: 
Locked to a metal pole, pipe, or fence.

Incident Description

Which type of area was your bike stolen from?: 
Garage or enclosed parking area.
How was the bike locked?: 
Locked through both wheels and frame to object.
How long was the bike locked in this location?: 
1 Month and 10 days or so
Incident Description: 
bike lock was cut off and bike was stolen



Cna center
60 e van buren st
Chicago , IL
United States

Date of Theft

Tuesday, July 18, 2023 - 3:30pm

Basic Bike Info

Bicycle Type: 
Road Bike
Serial No.: 
Condition of Bicycle / Distinguishing Features: 
Divvy bike

Lock Information

How was the lock defeated?: 
Not locked.
Lock Type: 
No Lock
What was the bike locked to?: 
Bike not locked.

Incident Description

Which type of area was your bike stolen from?: 
Sidewalk in front of an open business.
How was the bike locked?: 
Not locked.
How long was the bike locked in this location?: 
Unlocked for few seconds
Incident Description: 
I had stopped for a few seconds to pick something that fell from my pocket on the road. I parked it on the sidewalk in front of cna tower and in a matter of few seconds someone ran with the bike.

Velotric Discover 1


Home garage
1438 N Fairfield Ave Unit 2
Chicago , IL
United States

Date of Theft

Tuesday, July 18, 2023 - 5:00pm

Basic Bike Info

Bicycle Type: 
Other (describe in detail below)
65 Pound 26 inch mango-yellow colored electric bike.
Condition of Bicycle / Distinguishing Features: 
Yellow e-bike with backwheel rack, thick 65 pound frame, digital screen and light attached. Thick 26 inch tires

Lock Information

How was the lock defeated?: 
Not locked.
Lock Type: 
No Lock
What was the bike locked to?: 
Bike not locked.

Incident Description

Which type of area was your bike stolen from?: 
Garage or enclosed parking area.
How was the bike locked?: 
Not locked.
How long was the bike locked in this location?: 
24 hours
Incident Description: 
I last used my bike on Sunday evening. The bike was stolen sometime between Sunday at 9 pm and Tuesday at 5pm, though likely sometime on Tuesday. It may have been taken out while the garage door was open.



1438 N Fairfield Ave Unit 2
Chicago , IL
United States

Date of Theft

Tuesday, July 18, 2023 - 5:00pm

Basic Bike Info

Bicycle Type: 
Road Bike
26 inch wheel bike
Condition of Bicycle / Distinguishing Features: 
Redd-ish pink rubber handles on upright handlebars. Rather rusted chain. Bike pack behind the

Lock Information

How was the lock defeated?: 
Not locked.
Lock Type: 
No Lock
What was the bike locked to?: 
Bike not locked.

Incident Description

Which type of area was your bike stolen from?: 
Garage or enclosed parking area.
How was the bike locked?: 
Not locked.
How long was the bike locked in this location?: 
48 hours
Incident Description: 
Red Raleigh road bike stolen sometime between Sunday 9pm July 15th and Tuesday July 18th at 5 pm ( most likely on Tuesday). Photo has old handlebars. but otherwise is accurate.

REI Co-Op Gen e1.2 e-bike


The Recyclery Collective
7628 N. Paulina St.
Chicago , IL
United States

Date of Theft

Monday, July 17, 2023 - 2:45pm

Basic Bike Info

Bicycle Type: 
Other (describe in detail below)
Serial No.: 
Condition of Bicycle / Distinguishing Features: 
e-bike; Cargo bike with rear rack and 620 whr battery. May have a milk crate attached to rear rack. Bafang 500 watt drive motor in rear wheel hub

Lock Information

How was the lock defeated?: 
Lock is missing, along with the bike.
Lock Type: 
What was the bike locked to?: 
Locked to bike rack.

Incident Description

Which type of area was your bike stolen from?: 
Sidewalk in front of an open business.
How was the bike locked?: 
Only the frame was locked a solid object.
How long was the bike locked in this location?: 
3 hours
Incident Description: 
Locked to bike rack at 7628 N. Paulina St. in front of an open business

Specialized Sirrus


5600 Wayne Ave
Chicago , IL
United States

Date of Theft

Tuesday, July 18, 2023 - 1:30am

Basic Bike Info

Bicycle Type: 
Hybrid Bike
Serial No.: 
Condition of Bicycle / Distinguishing Features: 
Great condition.

Lock Information

How was the lock defeated?: 
Lock was cut, and left at the scene.
Lock Type: 
Cable w/ Padlock
What was the bike locked to?: 
Other situation, please describe below.

Incident Description

Which type of area was your bike stolen from?: 
Garage or enclosed parking area.
How was the bike locked?: 
Only the frame was locked a solid object.
How long was the bike locked in this location?: 
5 days

Sirrus Men’s V-Brake


5620 N Wayne Avenue
Chicago , IL
United States

Date of Theft

Tuesday, July 18, 2023 - 12:00am

Basic Bike Info

Bicycle Type: 
Road Bike
Serial No.: 
Dark green
Condition of Bicycle / Distinguishing Features: 
Purchased in 2018, refurbished twice. Has scrapes from bike lock on the frame

Lock Information

How was the lock defeated?: 
Lock was cut, and left at the scene.
Lock Type: 
Cable w/ Integrated Key Lock
What was the bike locked to?: 
Locked to a metal pole, pipe, or fence.

Incident Description

Which type of area was your bike stolen from?: 
Garage or enclosed parking area.
How was the bike locked?: 
Locked through front wheel and frame to object.
How long was the bike locked in this location?: 
Incident Description: 
Bike lock was cut and bike stolen over night. Thieves picked locks on garage door and removed the bike. They also stole items from garage at 5624 North Wayne (garages are not connected to buildings and face the alley behind Wayne Avenue)

Surly Crosstrek


Jennifer Bell’s residence (condo building)
950 W Erie St Apt 501
Chicago , IL
United States

Date of Theft

Sunday, July 2, 2023 - 7:30pm

Basic Bike Info

Bicycle Type: 
Fixed Gear / Track Bike
Serial No.: 
Condition of Bicycle / Distinguishing Features: 
2020 Black Surly Crosstrek road bike single gear. Has light blue/turquoise handlebar tape. Has one water bottle holder. Has a couple safety lights on it.

Lock Information

How was the lock defeated?: 
Lock was cut, and left at the scene.
Lock Type: 
Cable w/ Padlock
What was the bike locked to?: 
Locked to bike rack.

Incident Description

Which type of area was your bike stolen from?: 
Other situation, please describe below.
How was the bike locked?: 
Locked through front wheel and frame to object.
How long was the bike locked in this location?: 
Bike is stored on wall rack inside first floor condo parking garage. It’s been there hanging locked up for several months.
Incident Description: 
Bike was stolen some time between July 2 and July 17, 2023. Last time bike was seen was Sunday, July 2, 2023 at 9:00 am. We were out of town after that and found bike missing on July 17, 2023.

Giant Escape


800 N Sacramento
Chicago , IL
United States

Date of Theft

Monday, July 17, 2023 - 9:00pm

Basic Bike Info

Bicycle Type: 
Hybrid Bike
Condition of Bicycle / Distinguishing Features: 
It was a large black bike with a black crate on the back. I took the front gears off so the front shifters didn't work. The front wheel needed a special key to be taken off.

Lock Information

How was the lock defeated?: 
Lock was cut, and left at the scene.
Lock Type: 
Newer U-Lock w/ Flat Key
What was the bike locked to?: 
Locked to street sign.

Incident Description

Which type of area was your bike stolen from?: 
Sidewalk in front of a closed business.
How was the bike locked?: 
Locked through both wheels and frame to object.
How long was the bike locked in this location?: 
A few hours
Incident Description: 
I locked my bike up to a street sign. I had a cable lock going through the back wheel, frame and sign, and a U-lock going through the frame and front wheel (which also needs a special key to be taken off). They cut my cable and took the whole bike. On the front handlebars I had a bell from my brother's wedding, and I used shoelaces to secure the light attachment. I had just added new SRAM grips to my handlebars.

Retrospec Harper


The Foxhole Chicago
2444 W Montrose Ave Chicago, IL 60618 United States
Chicago , IL
United States

Date of Theft

Monday, July 17, 2023 - 8:30pm

Basic Bike Info

Bicycle Type: 
Road Bike
Serial No.: 
N/A (getting it tomorrow from my shop)
Forest green with brown seat
Condition of Bicycle / Distinguishing Features: 
2 years old, I’m pretty good conditions but the tires don’t look too hot. Brown seat and brown hand grip thingies. Black tires.

Lock Information

How was the lock defeated?: 
Lock is missing, along with the bike.
Lock Type: 
Combination Cable Lock
What was the bike locked to?: 
Locked to bike rack.

Incident Description

Which type of area was your bike stolen from?: 
Sidewalk in front of an open business.
How was the bike locked?: 
Only the frame was locked a solid object.
How long was the bike locked in this location?: 
2 hours
Incident Description: 
I was at The Foxhole Chicago for a comedy show from 8:00 PM - 9:50 PM. I showed up at 7:30 and locked my bike up right in front of The Foxhole Chicago. When I left the venue, it was gone, lock and all.

Trek FX 3 Disc


Lincoln Park
2150 N Halsted St
Chicago , IL
United States

Date of Theft

Thursday, July 13, 2023 - 11:15pm

Basic Bike Info

Bicycle Type: 
Hybrid Bike
Serial No.: 
Light blue to deep blue fade
Condition of Bicycle / Distinguishing Features: 
It was in excellent condition with possibly a minor white scrub on the side of the frame. There was a phone holder on the handle bars and a bag holder over the back wheel. There was also a water bottle holder on the frame and a lock holder but I imagine that was removed.

Lock Information

How was the lock defeated?: 
Object that bike was locked to was broken, removed, or otherwise compromised.
Lock Type: 
What was the bike locked to?: 
Locked to a wooden pole, railing, or fence.

Incident Description

Which type of area was your bike stolen from?: 
Porch or yard.
How was the bike locked?: 
Only the frame was locked a solid object.
How long was the bike locked in this location?: 
Incident Description: 
The porch on the alley was torn apart with a crow bar to remove the bike and the lock at some point over night

Diamondback Hybrid


UIC Medical School Campus
Wood st.
Chicago , IL
United States

Date of Theft

Monday, July 17, 2023 - 7:45pm

Basic Bike Info

Bicycle Type: 
Hybrid Bike
Grey w/ Blue Detailing
Condition of Bicycle / Distinguishing Features: 
The bike is dark grey with blue detailing and some white writing saying “Diamondback” across the frame. The pedals were a very light grey color

Lock Information

How was the lock defeated?: 
Lock is missing, along with the bike.
Lock Type: 
Cable w/ Integrated Key Lock
What was the bike locked to?: 
Locked to bike rack.

Incident Description

Which type of area was your bike stolen from?: 
Sidewalk in front of an open business.
How was the bike locked?: 
Only the frame was locked a solid object.
How long was the bike locked in this location?: 
2 hours

Trek 3500


Chicago Male Salon
3418 North Halstead
Chicago , IL
United States

Date of Theft

Sunday, July 16, 2023 - 3:30pm

Basic Bike Info

Bicycle Type: 
Mountain Bike
Serial No.: 
Grey frame. Black Tires, seat, handlebar.
Condition of Bicycle / Distinguishing Features: 
Handlebar has empty clamp for a bike light and a reflector. The tube that holds the seat has 2 inches of plastic sticking out over the tire along with a red back light held on with a zip tie. Water bottle holder. Only the highest gear works. Rear tire is loose (jiggles back and forth). Rear breaks are silver and brand new.

Lock Information

How was the lock defeated?: 
Lock was cut, and left at the scene.
Lock Type: 
Heavy Duty Bicycle Security Chain
What was the bike locked to?: 
Locked to bike rack.

Incident Description

Which type of area was your bike stolen from?: 
Sidewalk in front of an open business.
How was the bike locked?: 
Only the frame was locked a solid object.
How long was the bike locked in this location?: 
30 minutes
Incident Description: 
I have crystal clear video of the event. The perpetrator first attempted to cut the lock of a black e-bike parked next to mine. After failing to do so, he left, circled back, and then cut the lock off of my bike using bolt cutters.