Condition of Bicycle / Distinguishing Features:
When the bike was stolen, it had its original black tires and black handlebars (see in pics). The seat is not the factory seat; I changed the factory seat out with a "Planet Bike" seat which has some padding. The Planet Bike logo is visible on the side of the seat. Also, the bike may be seen with two safety lights- one underneath the handlebars and the other below the seat. The frame is small, dark grey and is in pretty good condition. I can't recall any obvious scratches or scruff marks. A notable detail about the handlebars you might notice are very, very small bite marks, likely on the left handlebar (or both handlebars) These are the bite marks of a chipmunk.
Incident Description
Which type of area was your bike stolen from?:
Garage or enclosed parking area.
How was the bike locked?:
How long was the bike locked in this location?:
Incident Description:
The theft occurred sometime between Thursday June 23 (at night) and Sunday June 26. Spanning these dates, I was sick and quarantining due to Covid. I imagine that it was during this time that my garage was entered and the bike was taken. Nothing else in the garage was stolen; just the bike. It wasn't until finally leaving the house on Sunday June 26 for a drive through COVID test, that I noticed the missing bike. A police report was immediately filed.